Friday, May 15, 2020

Great White Shark from San Rafael 71

As expected, Great White SHark is a smooth smoke featuring both CBD and THC, making this a perfect choice for your daytime imbibing. Also as expected, the THC high is not an intense one. It's like the porridge - just right.

It's a fast burning smoke, so Great White Shark is perfect to bong with a few friends.

Why not share your experiences with this product. We'd love to hear from you.

Total THC
Total CBD
My price for 3.5 grams
$ 40.95 + tax
Would I purchase this again?

Monday, May 4, 2020

Lola Montes from Edison Cannabis

Judging by the product shortages at the retail level, one would think freshness and product quality would not be a concern, however, I truly appreciate the lengths to which Edison Cannabis goes to ensure their product is in the best possible condition once it hits the consumer's hand. To that end, Edison not only is packaged with a freshness seal, but also with a 62% humidity pouch inside.

I experienced more of a head rush than a body rush using Lola Montes, then after a while waves of peaks and valleys through my body, followed by a two hour buzz, resulting in a 20 minute power nap.

Upon awakening, I noticed a great deal of short term memory loss that recovered quickly. Honestly, this was the deepest stone I have encountered in many years. Absolutely blissful!!

We'd love to hear from you. Why not share your personal experiences with readers.

Total THC
Total CBD
Indica (Hash Plant)
My price for 3.5 grams
$ 35.95 + tax
Would I purchase this again?

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Temple from Aurora Cannabis

I am a huge fan of CBD because it helps me with chronic pain control and it settles my anxiety. Unfortunately for me, finding a good CBD smoke is like a treasure hunt, and I may have found the proverbial X on the map. Temple is a smooth CBD smoke that caresses my nerve endings with the loving they need.

Temple is easy on the throat and makes a mad dash for those nerve endings to soothe my pain and calms my anxiety. This is my go-to CBD smoke.

We'd love to hear from you. Why not share your personal experiences with readers.

Total THC
Total CBD
My price for 3.5 grams
$ 37.95 + tax
Would I purchase this again?

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Blueberry from Spinach Cannabis

My first sampling of Blueberry kicked me in the face, unusual for me as I typically experience that warm wave that flows from head to toe. This was more like a face plant onto concrete. Once the shock wore off, I settled in to a three hour buzz that flew by so fast that I felt as though I had been kidnapped and probed by aliens, for I cannot account for such an absence of time.

Subsequent bowls of Blueberry gave the warm body wave to which I was accustomed, followed by two to three hours of buzzing.

Easy opening canister (take note other producers) allows those with diminished motor skills or joint pain (no pun intended) a more positive experience in accessing their product.

A very mellow, calm THC experience that I am certain to try again.

We'd love to hear from you. Why not share your personal experiences with readers.

Total THC
Total CBD
My price for 3.5 grams
$ 33.95 + tax
Would I purchase this again?